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New Histories
Volume 25
I Want More Costume Accuracy in Films
Life in Breizh
Volume 24
The Role of Minority Communities in Developing House Music
What is Institutional Racism?
Volume 23
Editor's note
Alternative Thinking: the Connections of Community Life
Women in the Cycling Community
The Village Church
Urduja: the Communal Iconography of a Canonised Woman
HinC write up
A Family History of Community
The Role of Women in the Secret Operations Executive of WW2
Our Child: A Poem
Short Story: School Life as an Immigrant in the 20th Century
Paying Tribute to Liverpool's Oldest Black Community
Working Inside a Psychiatric Hospital in the 1970s
Long Read: A History of the Japanese LGBTQ+ Community
Volume 22
Women’s History Month
Madonna: A Woman who Defied Sexism and Became a Musical Icon
Women in Japanese History: A Snapshot Through Hello Kitty
Where are the Women?: Sexism in the history of the 1960s
For Polly, Annie, Elizabeth, Kate, and Mary Jane
Anna Komnene and The Alexiad
Volume 21
LGBTQ+ History Month
‘Defiance’: A Poem.
The “Poetess”: A short history of Sappho of Lesbos
A King and His Husband: Edward II and the Earl of Cornwall (Reprint)
The Trial of Princess Seraphina: The First Recognisable Drag Queen
Pride in the Eighteenth Century?: William Brown and Molly Houses (Reprint)
Hope between the horrors: The forgotten LGBTQ+ firsts of Weimar Germany
From the street corner to stardom: The incredible life of Josephine Baker
Lovers and Literature: Uncovering the Queer past of Knole House
Disabled Impressionism: Art Through the Eyes of Frida Kahlo (Reprint)
Marsha P. Johnson: A Trailblazer for the LGBTQ+ Black Community (Reprint)
Volume 20
‘History from Inside’: An Introduction to Researching Your Family Tree
The ‘Biddenden Maids’ and the joys of local history
The Pursuit of Happiness: Embracing inner peace and fulfilment within
Club Kids: An Aesthetic Emphasised by Outrageousness, Fabulousness, and Sex
Christmas Through the Ages: Celebrations from Saturnalia to World War 2
Volume 19
Disability History Month
‘Brain Fever’: Middlewood Hospital and 19th-Century Mental Disability
Jane Groom and the Deaf Colony - Missionary Colonialism
Princess Alice of Battenberg: The other ‘People’s Princess’
Disabled Impressionism: Art Through the Eyes of Frida Kahlo
The Paralysed President, Franklin D. Roosevelt
Volume 18
Black History Month
Thousands of Years before Windrush: The Significance of Black Romans
Trailblazing: The life of George Arthur Roberts
Destination Freedom: Resilience and memory in Radio
The other side of Notting Hill: Black London
From the street corner to stardom: The incredible life of Josephine Baker
Marsha P. Johnson: A Trailblazer for the LGBTQ+ Black Community
How the Magical N*gro Trope Perpetuates Racist Stereotypes
Volume 17
CALM: Editor’s notes
We Know We Can Hope
Far From Home: Andrew Wyeth’s Christina’s World
Walking in their footsteps: The women who shaped the National Trust
Home after Home: Resting in Peace in Sheffield’s General Cemetery
John Keats and the importance of finding happiness in miserable times
The Local History of the Hartlepool Coast
Carl Wark: Legends in the Mist
Volume 16
Volume 16 – PRIDE: Editor’s notes
From the street corner to stardom: The incredible life of Josephine Baker
Lovers and Literature: Uncovering the Queer past of Knole House through the
The Trial of Princess Seraphina: The First Recognisable Drag Queen in Engli
Pride in the Eighteenth Century?: William Brown and Molly Houses
A King and His Husband: Edward II and the Earl of Cornwall
Law and Society: The History of Law
Volume 15
Volume 15 – Celebration: Editors’ Notes
Christmas Through The Ages: Celebrations from Saturnalia to the Second Worl
“We sure did have good times, too.”: The act of celebration in African-Amer
Celebrating Sobriety: The Victorian Temperance Party Scene
The Collapse of the Iron Curtain in Photographs: Celebrating the Fall of th
Re-Teaching History: Teaching Colonisation and Celebrating Cultures
In a time when being in nature in more important than ever, let’s celebrate
Artwork: Celebrating 1947
Volume 14
Volume 14 - Ages of Hope
Going for Gold: The Joy of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games
Reykjavik 1986: The 'Doomed Summit' that Ended the Cold War
Feminist Anti-War Activism in the Twentieth Century
Married to the Military: The Resilience of Military Spouses
Hand in hand - Genocide and Colonialism
Trailblazing: The life of George Arthur Roberts
How the Discovery of a Treatment for AIDS helped turn the tide for the LGBT
Hope between the hours: The forgotten
Volume 13
Volume 13: Foreword
Equal Sporting Chance?
The Relationship between Race and Rank During the First World War
Thousands of Years before Windrush: The Significance of Black Romans in
A Brief History of Whiteness in America
Winston Churchill: Challenging Perceptions of a British Hero
Athelstan: The Forgotten First King of England
The Issue of Stateless People in Our Modern World
Cecil Rhodes: A Story of Supremacy and Statues
'Our Country's Good' - That Time Britain Used a Foreign Territory as
The British Empire and the Criminalisation go Homosexuality
Frederick Douglass and the Emancipation Memorial: Reexamining American Hist
Eric Hobsbawm and All That Jazz
Volume 12
Volume 12: Mental Health Week
Ghosts of the Past – Our emotional connection to history
Legacies of Mental Suffering: How do the responses to war and the COVID-19
Reductionism and Mental Health: Looking beyond explanation
Asylums, Optimism, and Moral Treatment: Was Victorian mental health care as
Shell Shock: The First World War, masculinity and mental health
A Recent History of Institutional Racism in British Mental Health Services
Thomas Howard 3rd Earl of Effingham: Yorkshire and the United States
The Importance of Teaching Colonial History to Tackle Contemporary Racism
The Idiots, Insane and Mad: How projections of mental illness in Indian lun
Lobotomy, Insulin Coma Therapy, Electroshock & Cardiazol: The Miracle Cures
The Tragic Plague of Eyam: a history more fiction than fact?
“I fear I am not in my perfect mind”: Mental health and the perception of m
Volume 11
Volume 11: Uplifting History
Women Abroad: Female Travellers in Italy in the late Eighteenth-Century
‘Just let me hear some of that rock and roll music’: How Radio Caroline Tra
Uplifting Moments: 1980 ‘Miracle on Ice’ Provided a Miracle for the America
Uplifting Stories from History; a story of freedom and hope
Legacies of 1989; Can a Peaceful Revolution ever be Truly ‘Revolutionary’?
Underdog to African Success Story: Sir Seretse Khama and the birth of moder
The Great Exhibition: Optimism and Collaboration in the Victorian Era
Volume 10
Volume 10: Women's History
The US Women in World War Two
Greta Thunberg: A New Milestone for the Feminist Movement
How Psychiatry Promoted the Patriarchy
Musings on the Menopause:
The misogynistic history of health
Spartan Women
Comfort Women
Anne Lister's Diaries
'We want to grow up before we blow up'
Volume 9
Volume 9: Decolonising the curriculum
The Lesser-known Atomic Bomb Testing: The tragedy of Marlinga
Mr Five Per Cent: The Forgotten Oil Tycoon
Betsy Ross and Rosie the Riveter: Mothers of America
Decolonising the British Museum: where do we start?
History in Film - to what extent do filmakers have a responsibility to be
Resistance and Negotiation: Reclaiming the Voices of Colonised Women
Indian Removal in Antebellum America - A Destiny Fulfilled?
Volume 8
From Krkur to Crookes – A Brief History of the 1,000-Year-Old Village
Lady Godiva: The Woman, The Myth, The Legend
Gracchus Babeuf – the would-be communist dictator of France?
The medieval beverage of choice: alcohol or water?
How fear of conspiracy shapes US politics
Volume 6
Issue 1 - War and Peace
The Seven Years War: the First World War In 1754
Caesar, Pompey and the Birth of the Roman Empire
Interwar Germany and Italy
Terrorist attacks on 9/11, the war against terror.. and baseball: Sport’s r
Corps and Columns – The Battle Tactics of Napoleon Bonaparte and Why They F
Remembering Lost Lives
War as Voter-Bait: Labour & the 1918 General Election
Issue 2 - Genocide, Persecution and Liberation
The Cambodian Genocide in the light of the Cold War
The Teutonic Order and Genocide in the Baltic
The Lingering Wound of Institutional Racism in America
The History of the EU
From Slavery to Freedom? The Liberation of America’s Slaves
Manifest Destiny, Westward Expansion and the Death of a People
Volume 5
Issue 1 - Media
Keep Calm and Carry On: The Pre-eminence of the Propaganda Model in Blair's
Tintin and the Telephone
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
Hicky's Bengal Gazzette
Something The Media Forgot
Visual Propaganda during the Hellenistic Period
'Brown Envelopes and a Tub of Lard'
Bonfire Night: the Celebration of Propaganda
The Invisible Government: Edward Bernays, Public Relations and Propaganda
Forgiving the Unforgivable - Nationalist China under a New Light
The Power of Propaganda
'I Am Ashamed. But I Am Proud' - My Lai, the Printed Press, and Morality
Issue 2 - Local Histories
Sheffield's Royal Guest
The Evolution of the Treatment of the Mentally Ill
Sunny Southport's 127 year-long commemoration
From Chicago to Detroit: The Story of Barrow-in-Furness
The Flood of 1953, Canvey Island and the Dutch
From Cotton to Council Houses: Manchester after the Industrial Revolution
Charlotte, North Carolina and the 'Neck Dec'
The Show Must Go On
'Coal not Dole': Mansfield in the Miners Strike
Issue 3 - Historical Fiction
"A Game of Historical Hopscotch": Examining the Tudors Series as Historical
Antidote to Reality: The West Wing and the Clinton Administration
The Motorcycle Diaries
Historical truth or fiction?
Is History Fiction?
Rosemary Sutcliffe's The Eagle of the Ninth: An Example
HHhH and the Postmodern Historical Novel
The historical imagination and the search for 'truth': is history about
Historical Fiction - And When I Mean Fiction, I Mean Fiction. Zombies and
Issue 4 - Speeches & Speakers
"The People's Princess"
Pope Urban II and Clermont
A Tudor Execution Speech
You Can Never Trust a Politician - But is this a Bad Thing?
'Big Jim' Irish Trade Union Orator
'Two Minutes of Genius'
Pizarro's 'Line in the Sand', and our own line to cross
Issue 5 - Open Theme
George Orwell's '1984'
Prince Henry Fredrick: the Prince who never was King
'Generation War' and German War Guilt
"Who Do You Think You Are Kidding, Mr Hitler?" The Timeless Appeal of Dad's
Gangster's Paradise: Chicago under Prohibition
The Origins of Japanese Nationalism
The Medieval Marvels of the East
The Development of Heraldry
Volume 4
Issue 1 - Glorious Britain
From Glorious Britain to Ascendant America: How Uncle Sam filled John Bull’
Media and the Olympics
An Olympic Legacy. Fact or Fiction?
Britain: Atlantic, or Imperial power?
The Real Robin Hood
The Festival of Britain 1951
The Lion and the Unicorn- Orwell’s Wartime Vision
Multiculturalism – Britain’s Most Glorious Asset?
The Glorious National Health Service
The Myth of Broken Britain
'One egg, two eggs, three eggs no more'- The Truly Glorious Side of British
The 2012 Olympics and the Irony of Immigration Control
‘To fight like a Man’- The Rise and Demise of the Female Prizefighter in Ei
What Role Did Ordinary Brits Play in the Abolition of Slavery?
Glorious Britain? Revisiting the politics of the 1970s
Britain in 2012: A Declined Power, And All The Better For It
Issue 2 - Days That Shook the World
Shaken faiths? How 1492 affected belief in the Americas
'Shot Heard Around The World'
The Enduring Legacy of the RMS Titanic
‘Trinity’: Prospects for Annihilation
Days That Shook The World - 23rd October 1984
'Rockin' All Over The World - Live Aid And Its Legacy
The Wall Street Crash
The Portuguese Miracle of the Sun: A Modern Miracle?
Plots and Conspiracies: The Creation of Russia as We Know It
People's Temple
Luis Carrero Blanco's Assassination
First Man On The Moon
The Last Day in the Life: The Assassination of John Lennon
Franz Ferdinand's Assassination
The Sputnik Launch
The Hillsborough and Munich Disasters
Issue 3 - History in the Public Eye
The Truth and Reconciliation Committee
‘Please sir? Can I Have some more...?’ - The public preoccupation with peri
Ancient Aliens and Public History
Educational History?
A walk through History in the Porter Valley
History in the Media – Pearl Harbour
Climbing the Colosseum in Rome: the Immersion of History in the Assassin’s
A 'War To End All Wars'? The Bittersweet Success of the Imperial War Museum
The Big Lebowski
‘It sounds absolute balls’: Crusaders, History writing and the nature of
Making History Accessible: the Personal Touch
‘It’s... The Beatles!’ A Cultural reflection of the 1960s through the music
History and the Novel
The National Curriculum: The Dangers of Nationalism and ‘Muscular Liberalis
The Role of Cinema Within History
The Many Faces of Catherine de Medici: La Madame Serpent or Misunderstood?
Issue 4 - Forgotten People
Frances Elizabeth Hoggan (MD): Physician, Social Reformer, Woman Pioneer.
Vaclav Havel
Laos and America: The Secret War, and the Forgotten Hmong People
Clement Attlee
“My Chains Fell Off, My Heart Was Free”: The Unsung and Underrated Contribu
Fred Hampton
‘There is no freedom without dwarfs’- Waldemar ‘Major’ Fydrych
Muhammad Ali Pasha – The Father of Modern Egypt
Professionally Forgetful? Defining the parameters of historical professiona
La Chatté: The lost tale of a double agent….
Forgotten Explorer: Samuel Hearne’s Journey to the Northern Ocean.
Mods….that’s hardly really history!
The Slovak-Hungarian Flying Dutchman
Who cares about Gregory the Goat Herder?
Slightly Out of Focus
Oh! Ken Tynan!
Issue 5 - Non-Western Perspective
Wuhan, China
Westernisation and Japanese ‘Exceptionalism’: the Oddities of National Hist
Cultural Revolution
Germany’s Forgotten Genocide: The Lasting Effects of the German Colonial pr
Using History in North Africa and the Levant
Issue 6 - Open Theme
Cowboys of the South: Patagonia imagined in Argentine popular culture
The Changing Nature of the Historiography of the Mfecane:
Anne Boleyn: Guilty as Charged?
Politics of Difference: The Delusion of Liberality in Post-War Britain
Volume 3
Issue 1 - Film
'Johnny has Gone for a Soldier' The Civil War by Ken Burns
Review: Mugabe and the White African
History vs. Hollywood
Birth of a Nation: The Depiction of War in American Cinema, from D.W. Griff
Forget the Blockbusters, Let's Talk About the Dam Busters
7 Historical Events That Should Be Made Into Films
The Defence of Rorke's Drift: Redcoats and Zulus
The New Histories Guide to... Athens
'A Totally Useless and Even Harmful Form of Entertainment'
'Haig is about to make yet another gargantuan effort to move his drinks cab
Issue 2 - Youth
RENAMO and the LRA: The History and Futures of African Child Soldiers
Abbie Hoffman and American Youth Culture
The Paidomazoma: Tough Times for the Children of Greece
Fear the Youth: Eighteenth Century Parallels.
The ‘Powder Monkeys’ of the Napoleonic Royal Navy
‘If a small boy...’: Sex, morality and boyhood in the Anglo-Saxon Penitenti
The New Histories Guide to... Berlin
When they were young...
Doing it When You're Young....
The Question of the Two Thomas’: To Whom did the Henrician Reformation Belo
Issue 3 - Health & Medicine
The Lazarian Stigma: Leprosy through the Ages
America’s Long Battle Over Healthcare
The Rise of the Asylum
The 1992 Election, the NHS and the ‘War of Jennifer’s Ear’
Spanish Flu: The Forgotten Apocalypse
Keeping it in the Family: Families and Dynasties in Greek Politics
Denying Aids: How South Africa Deepened Its Own Epidemic
Digital Humanities: The Future of History?
‘What is it tonight....morphine or cocaine?’: Some observations on late-Vic
Eating at the Table of the Cross: Holy Anorexia, Medieval Spirituality and
More Than Just Nurses: Women in the Spanish Civil War 1936-1939
Issue 4 - Landmarks
Morbid, Grand, Supreme: The Tomb of the Unknown Warrior's Place in History
Chimurenga Day
That ever-so-glorious Revolution
'Chartist Demonstration!! Peace and Order is our motto! Monday next, April
US Presidential Elections: Landmark Moments
The Statue of Liberty: Liberty Enlightening the World?
How a Small Museum Deals with a Titanic Problem
Chasing the White Horse: Local Landmarks and Local Identities in the Thames
The People's Budget
Lost Idealism: The Strange Legacy of Modernism
North Korea: The Landmark Nation
Creating Nations in South Sudan and Post-Colonial Africa
Issue 5 - Crime & Punishment
From Salem to the Old Bailey: Gender in Crime and Punishment
The Metropolitan Police in Nineteenth-Century London: A Brief Introduction
Civil Rights in Court
Trial by Water: Two Examples From Early Modern Netherlands
Infanticide in the Early Modern Period: The 1624 Statute
Guilty until proven innocent: The Salem Witchcraft Trials, 1692
Witchcraft in the Early Modern Period
Mary ‘Moll Cutpurse’ Frith: The Outrageous Outcast
The Government’s Game of Cat and Mouse: Women Suffragettes in Prison
The Militant Suffragette Campaign
Egyptian History: Maintaining a Tight Grasp on Capital Punishment
‘A Free and Easy Life?’ Transportation of British convicts to Australia dur
E. P. Thompson and the Peterloo Massacre
Persecution in Early Modern Spain
Communist Persecution: The Attack on Hollywood
Alger Hiss and American Anti-communism
I Want to Hold Your Hand: Gay Rights in Uganda
Red Rocks of the Aegean: Greece's Prison Islands
The Stasi: German Struggles with the Past
The Last Hangman in Britain
‘An utterly illegal proceeding’? The Liberal Party and the General Strike
Capital Punishment: A History
Issue 6 - War & Peace
The Bullied Child? Greece and the League of Nations
World War II: Africa’s War of Independence
The Politics of the Peace Ballot
The 20th Century: Conflict and ‘Paradoxical Progression’.
A desperate plea for recognition of the Armenian genocide
From Warriors to Protestors: A Potted History of Vietnam Veterans Against t
The Spanish Civil War
‘Tell me that I have led a good life’: memory of war and film
'Over the Sea to Skye': The Jacobite Movement
Fiction or Reality? Total War in Literary Fiction.
Blurring the lines: World War One and the dismantling of the Victorian gend
‘Nancy boys and reluctant warriors’: War, Defeatism and Challenging Masculi
Occults and Mystics: Rise of Bolshevism and the Downfall of Rasputin
The Falklands War: 30 years on
Sport as Propaganda: Dinamo and the 'Death Match.'
A land unfit for heroes? How Britain “lost” peace after the First world war
Walt Disney and the World
Issue 7 - Open Theme
A Forgotten Medieval Powerhouse: Furness Abbey
Uncertainty Dawns: A Very Recent History of Greek Party Politics
The Rumble in the Jungle: Mobutu’s Knockout Blow
The Long Road to Repeal: the Labour Party and Section 28
Magical Monarchies: Jubilees in the American Perspective
Drawn Without Voice: Belief and Identity through Iconoclasm
Oliver Cromwell: Regicidal Dictator or a Hero of Liberty?
Blood and Fangs: The Origins of Vampires revealed?
What can Joseph Noel Paton’s In Memoriam tell us about the Indian Mutiny?
Aboard the Zong: Remembering a Massacre
History: a dangerous weapon in political hands?
The Viking Conundrum
Spomeniki – remembering and forgetting in Tito’s Yugoslavia and the Former
The case of Captain William Kidd – a 300 year old miscarriage of justice?
Goodbye and Thank You
Volume 2
Issue 1 - Belief
The Origin of Human Rights
Haile Selassie: Iron Lion Zion
New Orleans - The American Paradox
Visualisations of Belief: The Hereford Mappa Mundi and the Ordnance Survey
Christianity and American Politics
The Boss, the Squire and the President
Nag Hammadi and the Gnostic Gospels
‘You are history, you are legend’ – British International Brigadiers and th
Dictators and the cult of personality
'Smite me, oh mighty Smiter': Belief in Miracles in the Middle Ages
A Woman Down to Her Clothes?
Forgotten Men Of History- Marcus Garvey
Guilty man?
Squadron 92 – The Heroes and the Playboys
Singing Hallelujah with the Fear in Your Heart – Crusader Belief in the Fir
Dead Beliefs
Barbara Demick ‘Nothing to Envy’ Book Review
Queen Victoria’s Men And Diaries As Sources
Vietnam and its History with Hollywood
A New Perspective...
When Religious Belief Meets Social Movement: The Münster Rebellion
Issue 2 - Revolutions
Ernst Kantorowicz' Rhetoric of the Sublime.
Guerrilla Warfare – The Tool of The Revolution
Revolutions that failed
Children of the Revolution: The Public Schoolboy Rebellion
'Then Begins an Epoch of Social Revolution': Passages from Antiquity to Feu
The Mexican Revolution 1910 -1920
A Very Brief Insight into Victor Hugo's Les Miserables
Conspicuous Consumption, Social Emulation and the Consumer Revolution
The 1662 Book of Common Prayer: An Unlikely Revolutionary?
Animal Farm and Stalin’s Russian Sty
Forgotten Men of History- Julius Martov
When Sorrows Learn to Swim: The Life and Work of Frida Kahlo
Could there be a British Tea Party?
Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna: The Man who Gambled on Revolutions.
Issue 3 - Festivals and Celebration
Churches and Bears: Religious Tensions and Protests in Early Modern Lancash
“No more cakes and ale”: Attacks on Christmas in the British Civil War Peri
Thomas Nast: How the Americans Invented Santa
'Friends, Romans, Countrymen... Goats?': Shakespeare, the Lupercalian Festi
A Very Democratic Christmas: Chartism and the Church
Οχι Day: A Celebration of Resistance
Festivals that History has Left Behind
How the Puritans Stole Christmas
Africa’s Napoleon: The Coronation of Jean Bedel Bokassa
‘Night falls but no one sleeps’: Festivals and Cultural Theory
Has Christmas Changed in Line with Society Since the 1950s?
Issue 4 - Sport and Leisure
Veni, VD, Vici – The Cultural Legacy of Syphilis
Sports that Never (Quite) Made It
Oliver Cromwell: Future England Captain?
The Leisure Centre of Merovingian Regal Authority
More Than Just A Game: Football Behind the Iron Curtain
More Than A Game: Around the World in Football Derbies
Cockfighting in Louisiana
Not Quite Cricket? – Cricket's relationship with British Colonialism
Not Out? Cricket in America
National Teams the World Forgot: Association Football’s International Curio
His-Story, Her-Story, and all the Stories in Between: the Best Biopics
Men's Soccer in the United States
Issue 5 - Money
Why America’s Bankers Should be Feeling Pretty Damn Grateful
Thomas More: Saint or Villain?
‘Stand and Deliver’: Highwaymen and Highway Robbery
Stupid and Funny uses of Money
The Glorious History of Coinage
The War in Iraq: Cynical Money-Making Scheme Disguised as Paternalism?
Mission Impossible: The Destruction of the Asopos Viaduct
Blood Money? Financial and Military Aid in Africa
‘I fought the law, but the superior cultural force won’: Cultural Hegemony
‘Do to others as I would they should do to me’: Who to Trade with in Sevent
Las Vegas - Gambling Heaven and the American Dream
Issue 6 - Travel
‘Champagne Air, Rainfall Rare’. Clacton and the Changing Nature of the Twen
The Reality of Travelling the African Coast: Midshipman Binstead on chasing
Could the Real Abe Lincoln Please Stand Up?
The Assassination of Thomas Paine
The Tarnished Gold Mountain: Vice and Tourism in America’s Chinatowns
Wafted from Paradise: A History of Luton Airport
Early Modern England: A Mobile Society?
The Pioneering Travels of ‘That curious person, Madam Maria Sibylla Merian’
Religion? Where we’re going, we don’t need Religion: Non-Religious Travel i
The Holy Roamin' Empire: The Progress of the Pilgrim
100 Years of the New Deal? The Triangle Shirtwaist Disaster
The History of the Rickshaw - Exploitation or Tradition?
Can I get a Witness? Preserving Sheffield’s Past – 2011/12.
Victorian Whitby: ‘Supernaturally Quiet?’
Issue 7 - Open Theme
“I sing of arms and of the man”: Virgil’s Aeneid
Revisionists ... Fundamentalists ... Can’t we all just get along?
Operation Algeciras: How Argentina planned to attack Gibraltar
Apocalypse Now
In Defence of English Humour
Why Isambard Kingdom Brunel’s SS Great Eastern should be Remembered.
'Do you bite your thumb at me sir?': The Failure of Medieval-Modern Discour
‘His name is Robert Paulson’ – The Crisis of Masculinity and the Rise of Fa
Is mid-seventeenth century England still ‘turned upside down’?: The legacy
Forgotten Men of History - Bobby Kennedy
Jerusalem or Bust? The problems of the First Crusade
The Illegitimate Style in American Politics – a.k.a. Dull American Politica
Alistair Cooke’s America and the Problem with TV History
Volume 1
Issue 1 - Conflict
The disappearing water in the American desert's watering hole
The Ancient Greeks - Party Lovers?
History's "Gossip"
History in the Media and the History of Media
Goodrich Castle
Why America's Founding Fathers would not recognise the country they created
The Return of the Extreme Right?
No Man's Land
Religious Warfare and the Sack of Jerusalem
Ernst Rohm
A Review of the Films 'The Russian Revolution 1917' and 'The Paris and The
The Battle of Agincourt
History and Games
Otto Skorzeny
and all that ...
Siegfried Sassoon
Review: 'The Devil's Whore'
Do We Still Live in an "Enlightened" World?
The European Elections and the Far Right
History Holidays in Greece
Napoleon III and Italian Unification
Reflections on an Interview
Issue 2 - Women & Gender
Women's Role in the Abolition of the British Slave Trade
Why America's Founding Father's would not recognise the country they create
What's in a name?
The Witch Craze
The Talented Mrs. Beeton
The Opposite Sex
The Japanese Geisha
Schloss Neuschwanstein
Provocative and Prejudiced?
Lest We Forget?
Ellen Wilkinson MP
'The Gendered Cross'
Conflict is Good
Female Suffrage in Britain
Issue 3 - Colonialism
For the Sake of Achievement
Empire Gone
Britain's Forgotten Colony?
American Saloons
'Dr Livingstone, I Presume?'
'Bastard Normans! Norman Bastards!"
Warwick Castle
The Legacy of Colonialism in Kenya
'The Colonising Corporation'
Post-Colonial National Liberal Movements
Mad Dogs and Englishmen
Immingrants in Shanghai
Issue 4 - Leaders
Gustav I of Sweden
'She was not following the struggle; she was one of the contestants'
Why America's Founding Fathers would not recognise the country they created
Remember, Remember ... Robert Catesby?
Introducing MEHG
Can a Text Lead?
American Presidents
The Wildest of Streaks
Salvador Allende
Issue 5 - Ideology
'The poorest he that is in England hath a life to live ...'
How Neo-liberalism shocked Latin America
Voice of the Crusaders
The Utility of Identity
Objects and History: Why *things* matter
Empire of the seas
An Ideological Revolution?
St George's Day
Modern Britain is Still a Class Society
Economics, History, Theory, and Ideology
Issue 6 - Open Theme
US Intervention in Vietnam
The Legacy of the Holocaust...
What's Wrong with Africa?
Why authorship is important
Explaining the Rwandan Genocide
'The Simpsons' and History
The German Empire
Can Public Opinion Change the Course of History?
Thomas Cranmer
The Ranters Routed
Issue 7 - Theory
Objectivism is subjective
A Song for Europe
Myth and History
The Frankfurt School
Petrarch and Post-colonialism
History - what's the point?
Thomas Jefferson and Anti-American Bias
History from Below
Volume 7
Volume 7 - Issue 1
A Marxist Interpretation of the American Revolution
Britain's Warrior Queen
The Upper Canada Rising of 1837
Japan's revolutionary nationalism and the February 26 Incident
The Hungarian Revolution 1956
Slave revolt in Antebellum America
Class identity during the 1917 Russian Revolution
The Fall of Rome: Rebellion or Evolution?
The Peasant's Revolt and Socialist Memory
Volume 7 - Issue 2
The 9th Century Papacy and the divorce of Lothar II
Nichiren in Medieval Japan and his Legacy
The 1979 Iranian Revolution: Islamic Revolution or Failed Liberal Revolutio
The United States First Amendment and Religious Freedom
Resources for contributors
New Histories
Volume 25
I Want More Costume Accuracy in Films
Life in Breizh
Volume 24
The Role of Minority Communities in Developing House Music
What is Institutional Racism?
Volume 23
Editor's note
Alternative Thinking: the Connections of Community Life
Women in the Cycling Community
The Village Church
Urduja: the Communal Iconography of a Canonised Woman
HinC write up
A Family History of Community
The Role of Women in the Secret Operations Executive of WW2
Our Child: A Poem
Short Story: School Life as an Immigrant in the 20th Century
Paying Tribute to Liverpool's Oldest Black Community
Working Inside a Psychiatric Hospital in the 1970s
Long Read: A History of the Japanese LGBTQ+ Community
Volume 22
Women’s History Month
Madonna: A Woman who Defied Sexism and Became a Musical Icon
Women in Japanese History: A Snapshot Through Hello Kitty
Where are the Women?: Sexism in the history of the 1960s
For Polly, Annie, Elizabeth, Kate, and Mary Jane
Anna Komnene and The Alexiad
Volume 21
LGBTQ+ History Month
‘Defiance’: A Poem.
The “Poetess”: A short history of Sappho of Lesbos
A King and His Husband: Edward II and the Earl of Cornwall (Reprint)
The Trial of Princess Seraphina: The First Recognisable Drag Queen
Pride in the Eighteenth Century?: William Brown and Molly Houses (Reprint)
Hope between the horrors: The forgotten LGBTQ+ firsts of Weimar Germany
From the street corner to stardom: The incredible life of Josephine Baker
Lovers and Literature: Uncovering the Queer past of Knole House
Disabled Impressionism: Art Through the Eyes of Frida Kahlo (Reprint)
Marsha P. Johnson: A Trailblazer for the LGBTQ+ Black Community (Reprint)
Volume 20
‘History from Inside’: An Introduction to Researching Your Family Tree
The ‘Biddenden Maids’ and the joys of local history
The Pursuit of Happiness: Embracing inner peace and fulfilment within
Club Kids: An Aesthetic Emphasised by Outrageousness, Fabulousness, and Sex
Christmas Through the Ages: Celebrations from Saturnalia to World War 2
Volume 19
Disability History Month
‘Brain Fever’: Middlewood Hospital and 19th-Century Mental Disability
Jane Groom and the Deaf Colony - Missionary Colonialism
Princess Alice of Battenberg: The other ‘People’s Princess’
Disabled Impressionism: Art Through the Eyes of Frida Kahlo
The Paralysed President, Franklin D. Roosevelt
Volume 18
Black History Month
Thousands of Years before Windrush: The Significance of Black Romans
Trailblazing: The life of George Arthur Roberts
Destination Freedom: Resilience and memory in Radio
The other side of Notting Hill: Black London
From the street corner to stardom: The incredible life of Josephine Baker
Marsha P. Johnson: A Trailblazer for the LGBTQ+ Black Community
How the Magical N*gro Trope Perpetuates Racist Stereotypes
Volume 17
CALM: Editor’s notes
We Know We Can Hope
Far From Home: Andrew Wyeth’s Christina’s World
Walking in their footsteps: The women who shaped the National Trust
Home after Home: Resting in Peace in Sheffield’s General Cemetery
John Keats and the importance of finding happiness in miserable times
The Local History of the Hartlepool Coast
Carl Wark: Legends in the Mist
Volume 16
Volume 16 – PRIDE: Editor’s notes
From the street corner to stardom: The incredible life of Josephine Baker
Lovers and Literature: Uncovering the Queer past of Knole House through the
The Trial of Princess Seraphina: The First Recognisable Drag Queen in Engli
Pride in the Eighteenth Century?: William Brown and Molly Houses
A King and His Husband: Edward II and the Earl of Cornwall
Law and Society: The History of Law
Volume 15
Volume 15 – Celebration: Editors’ Notes
Christmas Through The Ages: Celebrations from Saturnalia to the Second Worl
“We sure did have good times, too.”: The act of celebration in African-Amer
Celebrating Sobriety: The Victorian Temperance Party Scene
The Collapse of the Iron Curtain in Photographs: Celebrating the Fall of th
Re-Teaching History: Teaching Colonisation and Celebrating Cultures
In a time when being in nature in more important than ever, let’s celebrate
Artwork: Celebrating 1947
Volume 14
Volume 14 - Ages of Hope
Going for Gold: The Joy of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games
Reykjavik 1986: The 'Doomed Summit' that Ended the Cold War
Feminist Anti-War Activism in the Twentieth Century
Married to the Military: The Resilience of Military Spouses
Hand in hand - Genocide and Colonialism
Trailblazing: The life of George Arthur Roberts
How the Discovery of a Treatment for AIDS helped turn the tide for the LGBT
Hope between the hours: The forgotten
Volume 13
Volume 13: Foreword
Equal Sporting Chance?
The Relationship between Race and Rank During the First World War
Thousands of Years before Windrush: The Significance of Black Romans in
A Brief History of Whiteness in America
Winston Churchill: Challenging Perceptions of a British Hero
Athelstan: The Forgotten First King of England
The Issue of Stateless People in Our Modern World
Cecil Rhodes: A Story of Supremacy and Statues
'Our Country's Good' - That Time Britain Used a Foreign Territory as
The British Empire and the Criminalisation go Homosexuality
Frederick Douglass and the Emancipation Memorial: Reexamining American Hist
Eric Hobsbawm and All That Jazz
Volume 12
Volume 12: Mental Health Week
Ghosts of the Past – Our emotional connection to history
Legacies of Mental Suffering: How do the responses to war and the COVID-19
Reductionism and Mental Health: Looking beyond explanation
Asylums, Optimism, and Moral Treatment: Was Victorian mental health care as
Shell Shock: The First World War, masculinity and mental health
A Recent History of Institutional Racism in British Mental Health Services
Thomas Howard 3rd Earl of Effingham: Yorkshire and the United States
The Importance of Teaching Colonial History to Tackle Contemporary Racism
The Idiots, Insane and Mad: How projections of mental illness in Indian lun
Lobotomy, Insulin Coma Therapy, Electroshock & Cardiazol: The Miracle Cures
The Tragic Plague of Eyam: a history more fiction than fact?
“I fear I am not in my perfect mind”: Mental health and the perception of m
Volume 11
Volume 11: Uplifting History
Women Abroad: Female Travellers in Italy in the late Eighteenth-Century
‘Just let me hear some of that rock and roll music’: How Radio Caroline Tra
Uplifting Moments: 1980 ‘Miracle on Ice’ Provided a Miracle for the America
Uplifting Stories from History; a story of freedom and hope
Legacies of 1989; Can a Peaceful Revolution ever be Truly ‘Revolutionary’?
Underdog to African Success Story: Sir Seretse Khama and the birth of moder
The Great Exhibition: Optimism and Collaboration in the Victorian Era
Volume 10
Volume 10: Women's History
The US Women in World War Two
Greta Thunberg: A New Milestone for the Feminist Movement
How Psychiatry Promoted the Patriarchy
Musings on the Menopause:
The misogynistic history of health
Spartan Women
Comfort Women
Anne Lister's Diaries
'We want to grow up before we blow up'
Volume 9
Volume 9: Decolonising the curriculum
The Lesser-known Atomic Bomb Testing: The tragedy of Marlinga
Mr Five Per Cent: The Forgotten Oil Tycoon
Betsy Ross and Rosie the Riveter: Mothers of America
Decolonising the British Museum: where do we start?
History in Film - to what extent do filmakers have a responsibility to be
Resistance and Negotiation: Reclaiming the Voices of Colonised Women
Indian Removal in Antebellum America - A Destiny Fulfilled?
Volume 8
From Krkur to Crookes – A Brief History of the 1,000-Year-Old Village
Lady Godiva: The Woman, The Myth, The Legend
Gracchus Babeuf – the would-be communist dictator of France?
The medieval beverage of choice: alcohol or water?
How fear of conspiracy shapes US politics
Volume 6
Issue 1 - War and Peace
The Seven Years War: the First World War In 1754
Caesar, Pompey and the Birth of the Roman Empire
Interwar Germany and Italy
Terrorist attacks on 9/11, the war against terror.. and baseball: Sport’s r
Corps and Columns – The Battle Tactics of Napoleon Bonaparte and Why They F
Remembering Lost Lives
War as Voter-Bait: Labour & the 1918 General Election
Issue 2 - Genocide, Persecution and Liberation
The Cambodian Genocide in the light of the Cold War
The Teutonic Order and Genocide in the Baltic
The Lingering Wound of Institutional Racism in America
The History of the EU
From Slavery to Freedom? The Liberation of America’s Slaves
Manifest Destiny, Westward Expansion and the Death of a People
Volume 5
Issue 1 - Media
Keep Calm and Carry On: The Pre-eminence of the Propaganda Model in Blair's
Tintin and the Telephone
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
Hicky's Bengal Gazzette
Something The Media Forgot
Visual Propaganda during the Hellenistic Period
'Brown Envelopes and a Tub of Lard'
Bonfire Night: the Celebration of Propaganda
The Invisible Government: Edward Bernays, Public Relations and Propaganda
Forgiving the Unforgivable - Nationalist China under a New Light
The Power of Propaganda
'I Am Ashamed. But I Am Proud' - My Lai, the Printed Press, and Morality
Issue 2 - Local Histories
Sheffield's Royal Guest
The Evolution of the Treatment of the Mentally Ill
Sunny Southport's 127 year-long commemoration
From Chicago to Detroit: The Story of Barrow-in-Furness
The Flood of 1953, Canvey Island and the Dutch
From Cotton to Council Houses: Manchester after the Industrial Revolution
Charlotte, North Carolina and the 'Neck Dec'
The Show Must Go On
'Coal not Dole': Mansfield in the Miners Strike
Issue 3 - Historical Fiction
"A Game of Historical Hopscotch": Examining the Tudors Series as Historical
Antidote to Reality: The West Wing and the Clinton Administration
The Motorcycle Diaries
Historical truth or fiction?
Is History Fiction?
Rosemary Sutcliffe's The Eagle of the Ninth: An Example
HHhH and the Postmodern Historical Novel
The historical imagination and the search for 'truth': is history about
Historical Fiction - And When I Mean Fiction, I Mean Fiction. Zombies and
Issue 4 - Speeches & Speakers
"The People's Princess"
Pope Urban II and Clermont
A Tudor Execution Speech
You Can Never Trust a Politician - But is this a Bad Thing?
'Big Jim' Irish Trade Union Orator
'Two Minutes of Genius'
Pizarro's 'Line in the Sand', and our own line to cross
Issue 5 - Open Theme
George Orwell's '1984'
Prince Henry Fredrick: the Prince who never was King
'Generation War' and German War Guilt
"Who Do You Think You Are Kidding, Mr Hitler?" The Timeless Appeal of Dad's
Gangster's Paradise: Chicago under Prohibition
The Origins of Japanese Nationalism
The Medieval Marvels of the East
The Development of Heraldry
Volume 4
Issue 1 - Glorious Britain
From Glorious Britain to Ascendant America: How Uncle Sam filled John Bull’
Media and the Olympics
An Olympic Legacy. Fact or Fiction?
Britain: Atlantic, or Imperial power?
The Real Robin Hood
The Festival of Britain 1951
The Lion and the Unicorn- Orwell’s Wartime Vision
Multiculturalism – Britain’s Most Glorious Asset?
The Glorious National Health Service
The Myth of Broken Britain
'One egg, two eggs, three eggs no more'- The Truly Glorious Side of British
The 2012 Olympics and the Irony of Immigration Control
‘To fight like a Man’- The Rise and Demise of the Female Prizefighter in Ei
What Role Did Ordinary Brits Play in the Abolition of Slavery?
Glorious Britain? Revisiting the politics of the 1970s
Britain in 2012: A Declined Power, And All The Better For It
Issue 2 - Days That Shook the World
Shaken faiths? How 1492 affected belief in the Americas
'Shot Heard Around The World'
The Enduring Legacy of the RMS Titanic
‘Trinity’: Prospects for Annihilation
Days That Shook The World - 23rd October 1984
'Rockin' All Over The World - Live Aid And Its Legacy
The Wall Street Crash
The Portuguese Miracle of the Sun: A Modern Miracle?
Plots and Conspiracies: The Creation of Russia as We Know It
People's Temple
Luis Carrero Blanco's Assassination
First Man On The Moon
The Last Day in the Life: The Assassination of John Lennon
Franz Ferdinand's Assassination
The Sputnik Launch
The Hillsborough and Munich Disasters
Issue 3 - History in the Public Eye
The Truth and Reconciliation Committee
‘Please sir? Can I Have some more...?’ - The public preoccupation with peri
Ancient Aliens and Public History
Educational History?
A walk through History in the Porter Valley
History in the Media – Pearl Harbour
Climbing the Colosseum in Rome: the Immersion of History in the Assassin’s
A 'War To End All Wars'? The Bittersweet Success of the Imperial War Museum
The Big Lebowski
‘It sounds absolute balls’: Crusaders, History writing and the nature of
Making History Accessible: the Personal Touch
‘It’s... The Beatles!’ A Cultural reflection of the 1960s through the music
History and the Novel
The National Curriculum: The Dangers of Nationalism and ‘Muscular Liberalis
The Role of Cinema Within History
The Many Faces of Catherine de Medici: La Madame Serpent or Misunderstood?
Issue 4 - Forgotten People
Frances Elizabeth Hoggan (MD): Physician, Social Reformer, Woman Pioneer.
Vaclav Havel
Laos and America: The Secret War, and the Forgotten Hmong People
Clement Attlee
“My Chains Fell Off, My Heart Was Free”: The Unsung and Underrated Contribu
Fred Hampton
‘There is no freedom without dwarfs’- Waldemar ‘Major’ Fydrych
Muhammad Ali Pasha – The Father of Modern Egypt
Professionally Forgetful? Defining the parameters of historical professiona
La Chatté: The lost tale of a double agent….
Forgotten Explorer: Samuel Hearne’s Journey to the Northern Ocean.
Mods….that’s hardly really history!
The Slovak-Hungarian Flying Dutchman
Who cares about Gregory the Goat Herder?
Slightly Out of Focus
Oh! Ken Tynan!
Issue 5 - Non-Western Perspective
Wuhan, China
Westernisation and Japanese ‘Exceptionalism’: the Oddities of National Hist
Cultural Revolution
Germany’s Forgotten Genocide: The Lasting Effects of the German Colonial pr
Using History in North Africa and the Levant
Issue 6 - Open Theme
Cowboys of the South: Patagonia imagined in Argentine popular culture
The Changing Nature of the Historiography of the Mfecane:
Anne Boleyn: Guilty as Charged?
Politics of Difference: The Delusion of Liberality in Post-War Britain
Volume 3
Issue 1 - Film
'Johnny has Gone for a Soldier' The Civil War by Ken Burns
Review: Mugabe and the White African
History vs. Hollywood
Birth of a Nation: The Depiction of War in American Cinema, from D.W. Griff
Forget the Blockbusters, Let's Talk About the Dam Busters
7 Historical Events That Should Be Made Into Films
The Defence of Rorke's Drift: Redcoats and Zulus
The New Histories Guide to... Athens
'A Totally Useless and Even Harmful Form of Entertainment'
'Haig is about to make yet another gargantuan effort to move his drinks cab
Issue 2 - Youth
RENAMO and the LRA: The History and Futures of African Child Soldiers
Abbie Hoffman and American Youth Culture
The Paidomazoma: Tough Times for the Children of Greece
Fear the Youth: Eighteenth Century Parallels.
The ‘Powder Monkeys’ of the Napoleonic Royal Navy
‘If a small boy...’: Sex, morality and boyhood in the Anglo-Saxon Penitenti
The New Histories Guide to... Berlin
When they were young...
Doing it When You're Young....
The Question of the Two Thomas’: To Whom did the Henrician Reformation Belo
Issue 3 - Health & Medicine
The Lazarian Stigma: Leprosy through the Ages
America’s Long Battle Over Healthcare
The Rise of the Asylum
The 1992 Election, the NHS and the ‘War of Jennifer’s Ear’
Spanish Flu: The Forgotten Apocalypse
Keeping it in the Family: Families and Dynasties in Greek Politics
Denying Aids: How South Africa Deepened Its Own Epidemic
Digital Humanities: The Future of History?
‘What is it tonight....morphine or cocaine?’: Some observations on late-Vic
Eating at the Table of the Cross: Holy Anorexia, Medieval Spirituality and
More Than Just Nurses: Women in the Spanish Civil War 1936-1939
Issue 4 - Landmarks
Morbid, Grand, Supreme: The Tomb of the Unknown Warrior's Place in History
Chimurenga Day
That ever-so-glorious Revolution
'Chartist Demonstration!! Peace and Order is our motto! Monday next, April
US Presidential Elections: Landmark Moments
The Statue of Liberty: Liberty Enlightening the World?
How a Small Museum Deals with a Titanic Problem
Chasing the White Horse: Local Landmarks and Local Identities in the Thames
The People's Budget
Lost Idealism: The Strange Legacy of Modernism
North Korea: The Landmark Nation
Creating Nations in South Sudan and Post-Colonial Africa
Issue 5 - Crime & Punishment
From Salem to the Old Bailey: Gender in Crime and Punishment
The Metropolitan Police in Nineteenth-Century London: A Brief Introduction
Civil Rights in Court
Trial by Water: Two Examples From Early Modern Netherlands
Infanticide in the Early Modern Period: The 1624 Statute
Guilty until proven innocent: The Salem Witchcraft Trials, 1692
Witchcraft in the Early Modern Period
Mary ‘Moll Cutpurse’ Frith: The Outrageous Outcast
The Government’s Game of Cat and Mouse: Women Suffragettes in Prison
The Militant Suffragette Campaign
Egyptian History: Maintaining a Tight Grasp on Capital Punishment
‘A Free and Easy Life?’ Transportation of British convicts to Australia dur
E. P. Thompson and the Peterloo Massacre
Persecution in Early Modern Spain
Communist Persecution: The Attack on Hollywood
Alger Hiss and American Anti-communism
I Want to Hold Your Hand: Gay Rights in Uganda
Red Rocks of the Aegean: Greece's Prison Islands
The Stasi: German Struggles with the Past
The Last Hangman in Britain
‘An utterly illegal proceeding’? The Liberal Party and the General Strike
Capital Punishment: A History
Issue 6 - War & Peace
The Bullied Child? Greece and the League of Nations
World War II: Africa’s War of Independence
The Politics of the Peace Ballot
The 20th Century: Conflict and ‘Paradoxical Progression’.
A desperate plea for recognition of the Armenian genocide
From Warriors to Protestors: A Potted History of Vietnam Veterans Against t
The Spanish Civil War
‘Tell me that I have led a good life’: memory of war and film
'Over the Sea to Skye': The Jacobite Movement
Fiction or Reality? Total War in Literary Fiction.
Blurring the lines: World War One and the dismantling of the Victorian gend
‘Nancy boys and reluctant warriors’: War, Defeatism and Challenging Masculi
Occults and Mystics: Rise of Bolshevism and the Downfall of Rasputin
The Falklands War: 30 years on
Sport as Propaganda: Dinamo and the 'Death Match.'
A land unfit for heroes? How Britain “lost” peace after the First world war
Walt Disney and the World
Issue 7 - Open Theme
A Forgotten Medieval Powerhouse: Furness Abbey
Uncertainty Dawns: A Very Recent History of Greek Party Politics
The Rumble in the Jungle: Mobutu’s Knockout Blow
The Long Road to Repeal: the Labour Party and Section 28
Magical Monarchies: Jubilees in the American Perspective
Drawn Without Voice: Belief and Identity through Iconoclasm
Oliver Cromwell: Regicidal Dictator or a Hero of Liberty?
Blood and Fangs: The Origins of Vampires revealed?
What can Joseph Noel Paton’s In Memoriam tell us about the Indian Mutiny?
Aboard the Zong: Remembering a Massacre
History: a dangerous weapon in political hands?
The Viking Conundrum
Spomeniki – remembering and forgetting in Tito’s Yugoslavia and the Former
The case of Captain William Kidd – a 300 year old miscarriage of justice?
Goodbye and Thank You
Volume 2
Issue 1 - Belief
The Origin of Human Rights
Haile Selassie: Iron Lion Zion
New Orleans - The American Paradox
Visualisations of Belief: The Hereford Mappa Mundi and the Ordnance Survey
Christianity and American Politics
The Boss, the Squire and the President
Nag Hammadi and the Gnostic Gospels
‘You are history, you are legend’ – British International Brigadiers and th
Dictators and the cult of personality
'Smite me, oh mighty Smiter': Belief in Miracles in the Middle Ages
A Woman Down to Her Clothes?
Forgotten Men Of History- Marcus Garvey
Guilty man?
Squadron 92 – The Heroes and the Playboys
Singing Hallelujah with the Fear in Your Heart – Crusader Belief in the Fir
Dead Beliefs
Barbara Demick ‘Nothing to Envy’ Book Review
Queen Victoria’s Men And Diaries As Sources
Vietnam and its History with Hollywood
A New Perspective...
When Religious Belief Meets Social Movement: The Münster Rebellion
Issue 2 - Revolutions
Ernst Kantorowicz' Rhetoric of the Sublime.
Guerrilla Warfare – The Tool of The Revolution
Revolutions that failed
Children of the Revolution: The Public Schoolboy Rebellion
'Then Begins an Epoch of Social Revolution': Passages from Antiquity to Feu
The Mexican Revolution 1910 -1920
A Very Brief Insight into Victor Hugo's Les Miserables
Conspicuous Consumption, Social Emulation and the Consumer Revolution
The 1662 Book of Common Prayer: An Unlikely Revolutionary?
Animal Farm and Stalin’s Russian Sty
Forgotten Men of History- Julius Martov
When Sorrows Learn to Swim: The Life and Work of Frida Kahlo
Could there be a British Tea Party?
Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna: The Man who Gambled on Revolutions.
Issue 3 - Festivals and Celebration
Churches and Bears: Religious Tensions and Protests in Early Modern Lancash
“No more cakes and ale”: Attacks on Christmas in the British Civil War Peri
Thomas Nast: How the Americans Invented Santa
'Friends, Romans, Countrymen... Goats?': Shakespeare, the Lupercalian Festi
A Very Democratic Christmas: Chartism and the Church
Οχι Day: A Celebration of Resistance
Festivals that History has Left Behind
How the Puritans Stole Christmas
Africa’s Napoleon: The Coronation of Jean Bedel Bokassa
‘Night falls but no one sleeps’: Festivals and Cultural Theory
Has Christmas Changed in Line with Society Since the 1950s?
Issue 4 - Sport and Leisure
Veni, VD, Vici – The Cultural Legacy of Syphilis
Sports that Never (Quite) Made It
Oliver Cromwell: Future England Captain?
The Leisure Centre of Merovingian Regal Authority
More Than Just A Game: Football Behind the Iron Curtain
More Than A Game: Around the World in Football Derbies
Cockfighting in Louisiana
Not Quite Cricket? – Cricket's relationship with British Colonialism
Not Out? Cricket in America
National Teams the World Forgot: Association Football’s International Curio
His-Story, Her-Story, and all the Stories in Between: the Best Biopics
Men's Soccer in the United States
Issue 5 - Money
Why America’s Bankers Should be Feeling Pretty Damn Grateful
Thomas More: Saint or Villain?
‘Stand and Deliver’: Highwaymen and Highway Robbery
Stupid and Funny uses of Money
The Glorious History of Coinage
The War in Iraq: Cynical Money-Making Scheme Disguised as Paternalism?
Mission Impossible: The Destruction of the Asopos Viaduct
Blood Money? Financial and Military Aid in Africa
‘I fought the law, but the superior cultural force won’: Cultural Hegemony
‘Do to others as I would they should do to me’: Who to Trade with in Sevent
Las Vegas - Gambling Heaven and the American Dream
Issue 6 - Travel
‘Champagne Air, Rainfall Rare’. Clacton and the Changing Nature of the Twen
The Reality of Travelling the African Coast: Midshipman Binstead on chasing
Could the Real Abe Lincoln Please Stand Up?
The Assassination of Thomas Paine
The Tarnished Gold Mountain: Vice and Tourism in America’s Chinatowns
Wafted from Paradise: A History of Luton Airport
Early Modern England: A Mobile Society?
The Pioneering Travels of ‘That curious person, Madam Maria Sibylla Merian’
Religion? Where we’re going, we don’t need Religion: Non-Religious Travel i
The Holy Roamin' Empire: The Progress of the Pilgrim
100 Years of the New Deal? The Triangle Shirtwaist Disaster
The History of the Rickshaw - Exploitation or Tradition?
Can I get a Witness? Preserving Sheffield’s Past – 2011/12.
Victorian Whitby: ‘Supernaturally Quiet?’
Issue 7 - Open Theme
“I sing of arms and of the man”: Virgil’s Aeneid
Revisionists ... Fundamentalists ... Can’t we all just get along?
Operation Algeciras: How Argentina planned to attack Gibraltar
Apocalypse Now
In Defence of English Humour
Why Isambard Kingdom Brunel’s SS Great Eastern should be Remembered.
'Do you bite your thumb at me sir?': The Failure of Medieval-Modern Discour
‘His name is Robert Paulson’ – The Crisis of Masculinity and the Rise of Fa
Is mid-seventeenth century England still ‘turned upside down’?: The legacy
Forgotten Men of History - Bobby Kennedy
Jerusalem or Bust? The problems of the First Crusade
The Illegitimate Style in American Politics – a.k.a. Dull American Politica
Alistair Cooke’s America and the Problem with TV History
Volume 1
Issue 1 - Conflict
The disappearing water in the American desert's watering hole
The Ancient Greeks - Party Lovers?
History's "Gossip"
History in the Media and the History of Media
Goodrich Castle
Why America's Founding Fathers would not recognise the country they created
The Return of the Extreme Right?
No Man's Land
Religious Warfare and the Sack of Jerusalem
Ernst Rohm
A Review of the Films 'The Russian Revolution 1917' and 'The Paris and The
The Battle of Agincourt
History and Games
Otto Skorzeny
and all that ...
Siegfried Sassoon
Review: 'The Devil's Whore'
Do We Still Live in an "Enlightened" World?
The European Elections and the Far Right
History Holidays in Greece
Napoleon III and Italian Unification
Reflections on an Interview
Issue 2 - Women & Gender
Women's Role in the Abolition of the British Slave Trade
Why America's Founding Father's would not recognise the country they create
What's in a name?
The Witch Craze
The Talented Mrs. Beeton
The Opposite Sex
The Japanese Geisha
Schloss Neuschwanstein
Provocative and Prejudiced?
Lest We Forget?
Ellen Wilkinson MP
'The Gendered Cross'
Conflict is Good
Female Suffrage in Britain
Issue 3 - Colonialism
For the Sake of Achievement
Empire Gone
Britain's Forgotten Colony?
American Saloons
'Dr Livingstone, I Presume?'
'Bastard Normans! Norman Bastards!"
Warwick Castle
The Legacy of Colonialism in Kenya
'The Colonising Corporation'
Post-Colonial National Liberal Movements
Mad Dogs and Englishmen
Immingrants in Shanghai
Issue 4 - Leaders
Gustav I of Sweden
'She was not following the struggle; she was one of the contestants'
Why America's Founding Fathers would not recognise the country they created
Remember, Remember ... Robert Catesby?
Introducing MEHG
Can a Text Lead?
American Presidents
The Wildest of Streaks
Salvador Allende
Issue 5 - Ideology
'The poorest he that is in England hath a life to live ...'
How Neo-liberalism shocked Latin America
Voice of the Crusaders
The Utility of Identity
Objects and History: Why *things* matter
Empire of the seas
An Ideological Revolution?
St George's Day
Modern Britain is Still a Class Society
Economics, History, Theory, and Ideology
Issue 6 - Open Theme
US Intervention in Vietnam
The Legacy of the Holocaust...
What's Wrong with Africa?
Why authorship is important
Explaining the Rwandan Genocide
'The Simpsons' and History
The German Empire
Can Public Opinion Change the Course of History?
Thomas Cranmer
The Ranters Routed
Issue 7 - Theory
Objectivism is subjective
A Song for Europe
Myth and History
The Frankfurt School
Petrarch and Post-colonialism
History - what's the point?
Thomas Jefferson and Anti-American Bias
History from Below
Volume 7
Volume 7 - Issue 1
A Marxist Interpretation of the American Revolution
Britain's Warrior Queen
The Upper Canada Rising of 1837
Japan's revolutionary nationalism and the February 26 Incident
The Hungarian Revolution 1956
Slave revolt in Antebellum America
Class identity during the 1917 Russian Revolution
The Fall of Rome: Rebellion or Evolution?
The Peasant's Revolt and Socialist Memory
Volume 7 - Issue 2
The 9th Century Papacy and the divorce of Lothar II
Nichiren in Medieval Japan and his Legacy
The 1979 Iranian Revolution: Islamic Revolution or Failed Liberal Revolutio
The United States First Amendment and Religious Freedom
Resources for contributors
Volume 25
I Want More Costume Accuracy in Films
Life in Breizh
Volume 24
The Role of Minority Communities in Developing House Music
What is Institutional Racism?
Volume 23
Editor's note
Alternative Thinking: the Connections of Community Life
Women in the Cycling Community
The Village Church
Urduja: the Communal Iconography of a Canonised Woman
HinC write up
A Family History of Community
The Role of Women in the Secret Operations Executive of WW2
Our Child: A Poem
Short Story: School Life as an Immigrant in the 20th Century
Paying Tribute to Liverpool's Oldest Black Community
Working Inside a Psychiatric Hospital in the 1970s
Long Read: A History of the Japanese LGBTQ+ Community
Volume 22
Women’s History Month
Madonna: A Woman who Defied Sexism and Became a Musical Icon
Women in Japanese History: A Snapshot Through Hello Kitty
Where are the Women?: Sexism in the history of the 1960s
For Polly, Annie, Elizabeth, Kate, and Mary Jane
Anna Komnene and The Alexiad
Volume 21
LGBTQ+ History Month
‘Defiance’: A Poem.
The “Poetess”: A short history of Sappho of Lesbos
A King and His Husband: Edward II and the Earl of Cornwall (Reprint)
The Trial of Princess Seraphina: The First Recognisable Drag Queen
Pride in the Eighteenth Century?: William Brown and Molly Houses (Reprint)
Hope between the horrors: The forgotten LGBTQ+ firsts of Weimar Germany
From the street corner to stardom: The incredible life of Josephine Baker
Lovers and Literature: Uncovering the Queer past of Knole House
Disabled Impressionism: Art Through the Eyes of Frida Kahlo (Reprint)
Marsha P. Johnson: A Trailblazer for the LGBTQ+ Black Community (Reprint)
Volume 20
‘History from Inside’: An Introduction to Researching Your Family Tree
The ‘Biddenden Maids’ and the joys of local history
The Pursuit of Happiness: Embracing inner peace and fulfilment within
Club Kids: An Aesthetic Emphasised by Outrageousness, Fabulousness, and Sex
Christmas Through the Ages: Celebrations from Saturnalia to World War 2
Volume 19
Disability History Month
‘Brain Fever’: Middlewood Hospital and 19th-Century Mental Disability
Jane Groom and the Deaf Colony - Missionary Colonialism
Princess Alice of Battenberg: The other ‘People’s Princess’
Disabled Impressionism: Art Through the Eyes of Frida Kahlo
The Paralysed President, Franklin D. Roosevelt
Volume 18
Black History Month
Thousands of Years before Windrush: The Significance of Black Romans
Trailblazing: The life of George Arthur Roberts
Destination Freedom: Resilience and memory in Radio
The other side of Notting Hill: Black London
From the street corner to stardom: The incredible life of Josephine Baker
Marsha P. Johnson: A Trailblazer for the LGBTQ+ Black Community
How the Magical N*gro Trope Perpetuates Racist Stereotypes
Volume 17
CALM: Editor’s notes
We Know We Can Hope
Far From Home: Andrew Wyeth’s Christina’s World
Walking in their footsteps: The women who shaped the National Trust
Home after Home: Resting in Peace in Sheffield’s General Cemetery
John Keats and the importance of finding happiness in miserable times
The Local History of the Hartlepool Coast
Carl Wark: Legends in the Mist
Volume 16
Volume 16 – PRIDE: Editor’s notes
From the street corner to stardom: The incredible life of Josephine Baker
Lovers and Literature: Uncovering the Queer past of Knole House through the
The Trial of Princess Seraphina: The First Recognisable Drag Queen in Engli
Pride in the Eighteenth Century?: William Brown and Molly Houses
A King and His Husband: Edward II and the Earl of Cornwall
Law and Society: The History of Law
Volume 15
Volume 15 – Celebration: Editors’ Notes
Christmas Through The Ages: Celebrations from Saturnalia to the Second Worl
“We sure did have good times, too.”: The act of celebration in African-Amer
Celebrating Sobriety: The Victorian Temperance Party Scene
The Collapse of the Iron Curtain in Photographs: Celebrating the Fall of th
Re-Teaching History: Teaching Colonisation and Celebrating Cultures
In a time when being in nature in more important than ever, let’s celebrate
Artwork: Celebrating 1947
Volume 14
Volume 14 - Ages of Hope
Going for Gold: The Joy of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games
Reykjavik 1986: The 'Doomed Summit' that Ended the Cold War
Feminist Anti-War Activism in the Twentieth Century
Married to the Military: The Resilience of Military Spouses
Hand in hand - Genocide and Colonialism
Trailblazing: The life of George Arthur Roberts
How the Discovery of a Treatment for AIDS helped turn the tide for the LGBT
Hope between the hours: The forgotten
Volume 13
Volume 13: Foreword
Equal Sporting Chance?
The Relationship between Race and Rank During the First World War
Thousands of Years before Windrush: The Significance of Black Romans in
A Brief History of Whiteness in America
Winston Churchill: Challenging Perceptions of a British Hero
Athelstan: The Forgotten First King of England
The Issue of Stateless People in Our Modern World
Cecil Rhodes: A Story of Supremacy and Statues
'Our Country's Good' - That Time Britain Used a Foreign Territory as
The British Empire and the Criminalisation go Homosexuality
Frederick Douglass and the Emancipation Memorial: Reexamining American Hist
Eric Hobsbawm and All That Jazz
Volume 12
Volume 12: Mental Health Week
Ghosts of the Past – Our emotional connection to history
Legacies of Mental Suffering: How do the responses to war and the COVID-19
Reductionism and Mental Health: Looking beyond explanation
Asylums, Optimism, and Moral Treatment: Was Victorian mental health care as
Shell Shock: The First World War, masculinity and mental health
A Recent History of Institutional Racism in British Mental Health Services
Thomas Howard 3rd Earl of Effingham: Yorkshire and the United States
The Importance of Teaching Colonial History to Tackle Contemporary Racism
The Idiots, Insane and Mad: How projections of mental illness in Indian lun
Lobotomy, Insulin Coma Therapy, Electroshock & Cardiazol: The Miracle Cures
The Tragic Plague of Eyam: a history more fiction than fact?
“I fear I am not in my perfect mind”: Mental health and the perception of m
Volume 11
Volume 11: Uplifting History
Women Abroad: Female Travellers in Italy in the late Eighteenth-Century
‘Just let me hear some of that rock and roll music’: How Radio Caroline Tra
Uplifting Moments: 1980 ‘Miracle on Ice’ Provided a Miracle for the America
Uplifting Stories from History; a story of freedom and hope
Legacies of 1989; Can a Peaceful Revolution ever be Truly ‘Revolutionary’?
Underdog to African Success Story: Sir Seretse Khama and the birth of moder
The Great Exhibition: Optimism and Collaboration in the Victorian Era
Volume 10
Volume 10: Women's History
The US Women in World War Two
Greta Thunberg: A New Milestone for the Feminist Movement
How Psychiatry Promoted the Patriarchy
Musings on the Menopause:
The misogynistic history of health
Spartan Women
Comfort Women
Anne Lister's Diaries
'We want to grow up before we blow up'
Volume 9
Volume 9: Decolonising the curriculum
The Lesser-known Atomic Bomb Testing: The tragedy of Marlinga
Mr Five Per Cent: The Forgotten Oil Tycoon
Betsy Ross and Rosie the Riveter: Mothers of America
Decolonising the British Museum: where do we start?
History in Film - to what extent do filmakers have a responsibility to be
Resistance and Negotiation: Reclaiming the Voices of Colonised Women
Indian Removal in Antebellum America - A Destiny Fulfilled?
Volume 8
From Krkur to Crookes – A Brief History of the 1,000-Year-Old Village
Lady Godiva: The Woman, The Myth, The Legend
Gracchus Babeuf – the would-be communist dictator of France?
The medieval beverage of choice: alcohol or water?
How fear of conspiracy shapes US politics
Volume 6
Issue 1 - War and Peace
The Seven Years War: the First World War In 1754
Caesar, Pompey and the Birth of the Roman Empire
Interwar Germany and Italy
Terrorist attacks on 9/11, the war against terror.. and baseball: Sport’s r
Corps and Columns – The Battle Tactics of Napoleon Bonaparte and Why They F
Remembering Lost Lives
War as Voter-Bait: Labour & the 1918 General Election
Issue 2 - Genocide, Persecution and Liberation
The Cambodian Genocide in the light of the Cold War
The Teutonic Order and Genocide in the Baltic
The Lingering Wound of Institutional Racism in America
The History of the EU
From Slavery to Freedom? The Liberation of America’s Slaves
Manifest Destiny, Westward Expansion and the Death of a People
Volume 5
Issue 1 - Media
Keep Calm and Carry On: The Pre-eminence of the Propaganda Model in Blair's
Tintin and the Telephone
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
Hicky's Bengal Gazzette
Something The Media Forgot
Visual Propaganda during the Hellenistic Period
'Brown Envelopes and a Tub of Lard'
Bonfire Night: the Celebration of Propaganda
The Invisible Government: Edward Bernays, Public Relations and Propaganda
Forgiving the Unforgivable - Nationalist China under a New Light
The Power of Propaganda
'I Am Ashamed. But I Am Proud' - My Lai, the Printed Press, and Morality
Issue 2 - Local Histories
Sheffield's Royal Guest
The Evolution of the Treatment of the Mentally Ill
Sunny Southport's 127 year-long commemoration
From Chicago to Detroit: The Story of Barrow-in-Furness
The Flood of 1953, Canvey Island and the Dutch
From Cotton to Council Houses: Manchester after the Industrial Revolution
Charlotte, North Carolina and the 'Neck Dec'
The Show Must Go On
'Coal not Dole': Mansfield in the Miners Strike
Issue 3 - Historical Fiction
"A Game of Historical Hopscotch": Examining the Tudors Series as Historical
Antidote to Reality: The West Wing and the Clinton Administration
The Motorcycle Diaries
Historical truth or fiction?
Is History Fiction?
Rosemary Sutcliffe's The Eagle of the Ninth: An Example
HHhH and the Postmodern Historical Novel
The historical imagination and the search for 'truth': is history about
Historical Fiction - And When I Mean Fiction, I Mean Fiction. Zombies and
Issue 4 - Speeches & Speakers
"The People's Princess"
Pope Urban II and Clermont
A Tudor Execution Speech
You Can Never Trust a Politician - But is this a Bad Thing?
'Big Jim' Irish Trade Union Orator
'Two Minutes of Genius'
Pizarro's 'Line in the Sand', and our own line to cross
Issue 5 - Open Theme
George Orwell's '1984'
Prince Henry Fredrick: the Prince who never was King
'Generation War' and German War Guilt
"Who Do You Think You Are Kidding, Mr Hitler?" The Timeless Appeal of Dad's
Gangster's Paradise: Chicago under Prohibition
The Origins of Japanese Nationalism
The Medieval Marvels of the East
The Development of Heraldry
Volume 4
Issue 1 - Glorious Britain
From Glorious Britain to Ascendant America: How Uncle Sam filled John Bull’
Media and the Olympics
An Olympic Legacy. Fact or Fiction?
Britain: Atlantic, or Imperial power?
The Real Robin Hood
The Festival of Britain 1951
The Lion and the Unicorn- Orwell’s Wartime Vision
Multiculturalism – Britain’s Most Glorious Asset?
The Glorious National Health Service
The Myth of Broken Britain
'One egg, two eggs, three eggs no more'- The Truly Glorious Side of British
The 2012 Olympics and the Irony of Immigration Control
‘To fight like a Man’- The Rise and Demise of the Female Prizefighter in Ei
What Role Did Ordinary Brits Play in the Abolition of Slavery?
Glorious Britain? Revisiting the politics of the 1970s
Britain in 2012: A Declined Power, And All The Better For It
Issue 2 - Days That Shook the World
Shaken faiths? How 1492 affected belief in the Americas
'Shot Heard Around The World'
The Enduring Legacy of the RMS Titanic
‘Trinity’: Prospects for Annihilation
Days That Shook The World - 23rd October 1984
'Rockin' All Over The World - Live Aid And Its Legacy
The Wall Street Crash