Volume 10: Women’s History

Volume 10: Women’s History

For this edition of New Histories, we wanted to provide a space for students to discuss Women’s History in Women’s History Month. While there has no doubt been much disruption due to the impact of COVID-19, it is hoped that this magazine will provide an outlet for students who are now locked down to engage with their passions in a way that provides information for others too. 

This edition will hopefully prompt us to consider how some of the historical issues that have affected women are still at work today. Articles on the relationship between gender and mental health for example demonstrate well the impact of misogyny on women still. 

Likewise, articles such as those on Greta Thunberg and on the Women’s Strike for Peace movements, when taken together, can provide a great overview of the role of women in protest movements and the issues they face by their portrayal in the media.  

In the syllabus that is provided in universities, there is a focus placed on looking at turning points and overarching themes. This has sidelined a number of inspirational women in its focus. The story of Anne Lister for example as told here by Hannah McCann is a fantastic tale for both women and the LGBTQ+ community. While it is quite right that the larger pictures need to be painted and learned in the curriculum, it is necessary that time is devoted to these figures, lest they be forgotten by history. 

While it is optimistic to expect the curriculum to be all things to all people, it is amazing that so many of you have taken the chance to redress the balance for Women’s History in this edition of New Histories. We’d like to thank everyone for their contributions, and the good work you are all doing to promote Women’s History and the stories that are so often missed.

Next month’s edition will focus on the stories that can lift us up in these dark times, so let’s get thinking on some of the brighter times in history!

Thanks once again, and stay safe!

Ethan Moss
